
Saturday, January 23, 2021




Listen. Right now.


You’re hearing the silence of the United States, as it draws in its breath between screams.


I would like to take this opportunity to remind everyone that there is no shame in being lied to, only in being the one telling the lies.


There is never shame in being wrong, only in deceiving others into error.


The people who invaded the capital on Jan 6, for example, were taking pictures and broadcasting their actions. Not because they were stupid, but because they genuinely thought they were doing the right thing. They thought they were heroes.


Likewise, the health workers who have been destroying inoculations. But be honest: who among us, if we truly /believed/ that they were poisonous, would not have done likewise to protect the innocent… and damn the consequences?


Very few of us have been specifically taught how to conduct research and vet sources for reliability. Most of us have not. And when someone is being lied to by people they have been told their entire lives are trustworthy, those who are in “authority” can mislead others very easily.


There are a variety of tragedies that are still unravelling, even now. Lives needlessly lost, time wasted, and so forth.


But one of those tragedies is also that those who have been peddling some of the most harmful lies of all will simply go on with their lives, pocketing whatever profit they’ve made in the process.


Politicians, media figures, all of them. And tomorrow, they’ll be back to business as usual. It is, after all, what they do. And it is what the “system,” so called, is designed to help them do.


So, if someone you know – or know of – has a change of heart in the face of recent events, or any time in the future… be cool.


It doesn’t mean that you’re part of an elite, or that they’re any less capable than you. It only means that, for right now, they’re shedding a few chains from their mind. And that’s something to be celebrated, never scorned.


So, treat them right.


Besides: next time, it might be your turn.

