
Sunday, May 30, 2021

The Ultimate Ringo

And behold!

 Shadow the Hedgehog | Shadow Spy Net | FANDOM powered by Wikia


After a variety of delays and aggravations, I am pleased to announce that the latest episode of Coyote Learns is now available on YouTube!

It is my fondest wish that this video (and the quincunxes of videos which came before) brings laughter to your life.

As always: please like, comment, subscribe… and keep sharing the links!

Next: a new poem for Story Thyme.

Friday, May 28, 2021



Shadow The Hedgehog - Shadow The Hedgehog Photo (37674354 ...

It's been quite a ride these last few years. I've been in and out of relationships, gotten Covid-19, mostly recovered from it, been employed, been unemployed, been employed again, posted and re-posted videos...

I confess I've been neglecting the old 'Blog a bit these last few years, and I'll be doing better about that in the future.

But that's not why we're all here, is it?


After a series of delays, I am proud to announce that the latest Coyote Learns video will be released on Sunday, May 30, at 10am CST!

And if you’ve never seen my beloved Let’s Play videos before, please do treat yourself and check out my Coyote Learns playlists. There are two quincunxes available thus far, and this video starts the third.

And, of course, there is also my Story Thyme series, in which I read short prose and poetry. A new Story Thyme video is also coming soon. 

See you Sunday!