The latest poem in my Story Thyme video series is now available.
I’m rather proud of this one; please leave comments below the video.
In other news, thanks to some very generous support we should have a laptop we can use to make Coyote Learns videos again soon.
Which means, for instance, that when I say I’m looking at recording chapters from my favorite Oz book, and possibly some children’s bedtime stories as well...
...I mean it’ll be in addition to my traditional shenanigans, not in place of.
With entropy taking its grim toll on computers and other devices, it’s been a challenging time. But it looks like there is light at the end of the tunnel, as they say. And I think it's an exit, not another train.
And in the meantime...
Story Thyme videos
All the Coyote Learns videos
Everything Else
Sometime again, everyone, and thanks for all your support!
Special thanks to Beanystergates at for the image of Chronos the Titan.